
The George Washington University Undergraduate Consulting Group wants to put our members in the best position to succeed, and thus we put significant resources towards bringing in top-tier consulting firms to speak with club members. Many of these recruiting sessions have ultimately lead to internship offers for our members, and we are proud to have strong relationships with consulting firms across the industry.


“Wanting more exposure to consulting, I decided to apply to the UCG. Within two weeks of my acceptance into the organization, the e-board set up an information session for us to attend hosted a consulting company that features prominently in industry rankings. I am proud to say that I was able to utilize this presentation to get a final round interview with the firm, who I am currently waiting to hear back from.” - Malcom Nyman

“Through UCG, I was able to receive an interview with a highly-ranked boutique investment bank. Breaking into investment banking is extremely difficult, but one of UCG’s networking events introduced me to a senior person at the bank in question, which ultimately led to an interview with the firm.” - Anonymous

“When I first joined UCG, I knew very little about consulting and the networking process. UCG’s training sessions taught me what I needed to know to be successful in consulting recruiting. Their recruiter meet-and-greets are super helpful, I don’t know another club at GW that does things like them. They are easily the best part of UCG.” - Grace Russell