Our Mission

The mission of the GW Undergraduate Consulting Group (GW UCG) is to provide distinguished undergraduates at The George Washington University with the tools necessary for entering and succeeding in the consulting industry. Through technical skill development workshops, pro-bono client service, strong alumni connections, corporate partnerships, and a speaker series, we strive to guide and develop the very best talent here in Washington, D.C. Our members are the given opportunity to learn about and work across the consulting spectrum to ensure critical knowledge of this incredible industry. 

Our Founding

The UCG was formed in the Spring of 2014 when several students realized there was not a core resource for students interested in consulting. While there were a multitude of resources that GWU offered to students who would end up pursuing careers in consulting, students were mostly left to search for opportunities by themselves. Thus, we realized that GW needed an undergraduate student organization that educates students about consulting, provides skill development workshops, and consolidates the variety of consulting resources offered by GW itself or external firms. GW students would be more aware and prepared for existing job opportunities, as well as develop a stronger network of peers and alumni who are interested in this career path. In this respect, the Undergraduate Consulting Group was formed.

Adam Bendell, Co-Founder

Our Goals

Development. We provide undergraduates with the opportunity to obtain, hone, and apply skills necessary for entering and succeeding in the vast field of consulting. Through our membership development phase and programming tailored to tap into diverse academic and corporate resources, the GW UCG will help ensure that you're ready to take on a broad range of professional endeavors. We work with members on their resumes, casing skills, and whatever else they feel will make them successful in the consulting industry.

Application. Whether it's analyzing workforce engagement or restructuring to keep up with growing consumer needs, the GW UCG's pro-bono consulting practice is here to help you achieve your business goals. Our diverse array of consultants work in teams to discuss, brainstorm, and design simple solutions to complex problems. We are here to help!

Results. Our current members and alumni take the skills they develop at GW UCG and the practice applications of pro-bono to join renowned organizations as interns and full-time professionals. We boast a broad network of people, interests, and industries, and many of these alumni stay involved with our club.